Tasigur Seasons Past / Season Pastigur

Commander / EDH LabManiac_Cameron

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We move further from Reanimator. —May 30, 2017

Moved Jin Gitaxias out of the main deck for a Manifold Insight. The further this deck has developed the more it has drifted away from the power of reanimator. It has proved to be a sub optimal strategy. It has its uses but for my current meta, it has been cut. Exhume is close on the chopping block right now and may become a Dark Confidant very shortly.

Part of moving away from reanimator also meant that Exhume was getting weaker. It is now out for Dark Confidant. Additionally trying Intuition in place of Long Term Plans to see how this rolls.

PurpleElephant says... #1

Hey Coreman,

First off, I just want to say thank you for creating consistently incredible content with the labmaniacs and keeping this list up to date with good reasoning for card selection. This list has inspired me to create my own version of this deck, so I look at this list pretty closely. The change I want to talk about in your list is the counterbalance. Maybe my meta just isn't as competitive as yours, but this seems relatively bad without top with the range of EDH casting costs. Is the upside to countering a free spell worth just jamming it int the 99? Also have you found that it's worth trying to set this package up in a game with tutors?

Also, this is just advice for my own deck, I do not own and do not plan to run a Gaea's cradle in my deck, but i have wasteland, strip mine, bojuka bog and plan on running Cabal Coffers and Alchemists refuge in my deck. Do these cards warrant playing crop rotation or does it seem underwhelming? I play both Life from the loam and Crucible of Worlds, but every time I cast it it seems like it just doesn't do enough.

Last thing, how do you feel about running cantrips like brainstorm, ponder and preordain in this deck? I've found it helps consistency with the deck and it fuels a quick Tasigur start, but I am just curious what your opinion is on these.

Any thoughts and comments on these points would be much appreciated!!

May 8, 2017 8:55 a.m.

PurpleElephant: Regarding Counterbalance, Top is in the deck. It is something that if you have Counterbalance out, a blind flip is actually fairly common. For most competitive metas, cards cluster at 1, 2, and 3 cmc. We have a high enough density at those ranges that blind flips happen with enough consistency that it is wort while without Top. With Top is does everything we want.

Cradle isn't a card in my list as we don't have enough creatures to consistently get high amounts of mana from it. With Hulk and Yawgmoth's Will both being prevalent in competitive EDH, crop rotation into Bojuka Bog is amazing. I'd first consider why you had Crucible in the deck before consider cutting Crop Rotation. You want to look at each card slot for the highest impact and Life from the Loam does that between Crucible and Life. Having redundancy in that slot isn't the best and something else could be in crucible's spot. Your usual goal with Crop Rotation is to either hold it for graveyard hate or get Urborg then Coffers. If all of those are taken care of, then Alchemist's Refuge.

I have moved away from cantrips as they are usually bad when Tasigur is out and you are unable to delve them away. I would much rather be getting back a counterspell or piece of removal than a Brainstorm when activating Tasigur. Having to spend more resources to get a useful card is not something we are wanting to do regularly.

May 8, 2017 10:29 a.m.

bulletmonkey97 says... #3

So in the Youtube video it was said that Seasons Past operated as an out when you have infinite mana but no way to activate tasigur(i.e. Cursed totem), but if something is preventing Tas from activating, shouldn't it have hit palinchon as well, preventing infinite mana?

May 12, 2017 2:34 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #4

At the time of that video's recording, the deck ran omniscience.

May 12, 2017 4:42 p.m.

bulletmonkey97 says... #5

Is the reanimation too few for the inclusion of a Buried Alive package here? Only cutting two cards(one for this and one for Phyrexian Delver) and getting to a PaliImage win condition really quickly seems like straight goodness otherwise

May 14, 2017 1:30 a.m.

bulletmonkey97 says... #6

Correction, Deadeye not Image.

May 14, 2017 1:33 a.m.

bulletmonkey97: If you are going for a budget route you can amp up the Reanimation package for Tasigur and at that point a Buried Alive package may be worthwhile. As it is we are gradually moving away from it. I'm currently testing dropping Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur for a Manifold Insights. Removing Omniscience and Show and Tell from the deck also weakened the Reanimator side of things as S&T was no longer available as a way to get Jin out of our hand and onto the battlefield.

May 14, 2017 1:49 a.m.

bulletmonkey97 says... #8

More questions, I'm wanting to put something like this together and want to know your thoughts on some things. I can't see myself owning a Chains anytime soon. Same can be said for Mana Drain, and the duals. Replacing cards like mana drain and dual lands is simple, you just run worse versions, but is there really even a worse version of Chains, and is it worth running? Or would you suggest some other tool of attrition to slot in semi-budget builds? Also, why do you play Exhume, a card that can be dead in hand when your opponents have good creatures in yard(Seems likely looking at threats like Karador) over another any yard reanimation spell like Dance or Necromancy in the slot? Thanks for all the info btw, your content is inspiring me to throw my money at EDU again

May 18, 2017 1:19 a.m.

buildingadeck says... #9

The banning of Leovold took out our best "replacement" for Chains. Notion Thief is a deterrent, but it's pretty bad when someone can kill you with it, which is one of the major reasons you want Chains anyway. It's best to just run a different tool in its slot that is tuned for your meta.

May 18, 2017 5:21 p.m.

bulletmonkey97: Buildingadeck is correct. Notion Thief is the only replacement, but isn't really worth running. Run something to bolster another strategy in your deck. Regarding Exhume, it has a few things going for it. First, it doesn't target. This means that you can do shenanigans with Exhume on the stack. Second, it costs 2 mana with not additional upkeep and doesn't cost life. It may be meta dependent. If you are facing large numbers of value creatures that other people want to have reanimated, changing exhume for Necromancy or Life//Death may useful for you.

May 19, 2017 7:52 a.m.

ethorian says... #11

Hello,first of all, thanks for your inspiration. I'm playing Tasigur EDH deck too atm, but with some changes. I play cantrips, imperial seal and so on. But i would like to know, what are you saying at Intuition over Long-Term Plans?

May 24, 2017 5:55 a.m.

buildingadeck says... #12

Intuition gives our opponents options whereas LTP and a Tas activation is an over-costed Vamp Tutor. Intuition is not a bad card in the list tho

May 24, 2017 7:17 p.m.

ethorian says... #13

It's but when you are playing politicaly in multiplayer, you can choose a friend who got problem with another opponent and can be win win situation for both of you.

May 26, 2017 2:55 a.m.

ethorian: The difference is an opponent's choice vs all our choice. We have several other options for speeding up getting the card from Long Term Plans as well. Things like Tasigur and top. This means that it is a more expensive Vampiric tutor. Which is still very good in this deck. If you feel that you can reliably get what you want with intuition go for it, however I currently prefer the ability to not have to rely on them for this slot.

May 26, 2017 10:25 a.m.