Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**

Commander / EDH solarem


Finally, a new Primer has appeared —April 12, 2024

I've finally done it, the new Primer is here, but also not yet really finished. I'm still working on a few parts, but the most important things are done.

The Formatting also doesn't really work yet (since I wrote it in markdown and to isn't that good with that yet), I'll finish that up a bit sooner, but it'll take a few days.

leon_bulminot says... #1

I like the theme.

First to comment on smeagol: PREEEECIOUS. Like holy crap the price tag. But!!! Onto suggestions.

Maskwood Nexus would not be a bad idea. One, it'll board drop +1's on all your creatures when you have Avenger of Zendikar on board. Also chains nicely with your Nazgul as now all of your creatures are Wraiths. Same for Chatterfang, Squirrel General. Everything is a squirrel that you can sack as needed for when you need a creature to die. I know some may say it has low interaction but 9 Nazgul, Avenger, and Chatterfang put you at 11% over interaction AND a token outlet for Changelings. Maskwood is a highly underrated card.

Also, personally I'd find a way to add in Helm of the Host. Precombat free token, even of legendaries? Yes sir. Amd if I were you, I'd drop Finale of Devastation. Yes it's an okay searcher but if you want the win, it is too mana intensive for a bit beat down. Pathbreaker Ibex would probably be a better choice for this deck as it seems to like spitting out creatures and tokens.

And it's effect triggers every combat of bump ups AND Trample. Craterhoof Behemoth isn't a bad alternative but it's a one shot unless you bounce it. And if you planned to use Helm of Host on Craterhoof over Ibex, that's just foolish. Each Ibex would have an independent trigger.

Just thoughts!!

January 10, 2024 10:46 p.m.

solarem says... #2

Thank you for the comment and suggestions leon_bulminot !

Maskwood Nexus is just a really great card, I've been thinking about it for a long time now. The reason why it's not in, is that I lean more into the combos. Win by combat just isn't the main thing anymore, it is now a backup.

Craterhoof Behemoth is also in the back of my head already, since it is just a very good finisher, but if not drawn then, it's not really that usefull. That's why I chose Finale of Devastation over it, since more often than not I can cast it for X=15 or more (highest I've done is like 2050 or something). However Finale isn't just a gameender, more often than not it is just a tutor for a combo piece, even if it is in the Graveyard.

I do have to say, Pathbreaker Ibex sounds fun, but I have the same problem with it as with Craterhoof. And Helm of the Host? Yes it is a very fun and cool card, however most of the time it would be a rather dead card.

I'll keep these things in mind, but I also right now have more of a Problem in what do I cut, I just love most of the cards too much xD

January 11, 2024 1:28 a.m. Edited.

leon_bulminot says... #3


"I'll keep these things in mind, but I also right now have more of a Problem in what do I cut, I just love most of the cards too much xD"

Every MTG Players dilemma lol

I can see how they'd change the deck flow too. Hopefully the suggestions lead you towards what could help!!

Just make sure at the end of the day, the deck is fun to play. Win or lose, EDH is all about playing a deck you enjoy.

January 11, 2024 2:39 a.m.

smack80 says... #4

Don't be a coward, play Mesmeric Orb.

March 5, 2024 10:39 a.m.