Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**

Commander / EDH solarem


Third playtest and with it a MAJOR update —Sept. 20, 2023

Yesterday was my third playtest with the deck and now it's time to make a major change into the deck. I am really thankful to the two players which had time to give me feedback on the deck and also suggestions on what should be added to the deck.
The main problems of the deck as of right now:

  • There are little to no flying creatures, however I will not not change anything about this.
  • It's too fix on winning the game with the combo, so it needs some alternate wincons such as The Haunt of Hightower.
  • There is not even close to enough card draw or tutor... In a black green deck, I know...
  • There is not enough protection against board wipes or other removal, tho I will most likely not be able to do much about it.
  • There are cards (especially some creatures) which really don't make a difference in the deck.
  • There should be more consistant ring triggers, at least once per round should be possible, so more creature tokens and more sacrificig options should be there.

And now wih the problems written out, I should add that none the less of the problems made the deck weak. This deck really is quite annoying for everyone and it does quite consistantly good. However it is not quite good enough yet and with that, we go over to the changes that I decided would be fitting:

Into the deck:

Out of the deck:

I will modify the Primer soon(tm) to accommodate these changes.