Commander / EDH* IQuarent


June 12, 2015

IN: Purphoros, God of the Forge, Green Sun's Zenith, Vexing Shusher, Dryad Arbor

OUT: ?????, Fierce Empath, Pyroblast, Forest

I, at some point, put Purphoros, God of the Forge back in without using an update. He's so perfect for this deck; I don't know why I ever took him out to begin with.

Everything I can get with Green Sun's Zenith is worth getting. I was resisting putting it in at first because the green creature restriction means no dragons. I conceded to myself, however, that Zenith does has merit as it can now get Vexing Shusher, and any of my ramp creatures and/or Dryad Arbor, which are always nice to have. If it's late game and I need to bring the hurt, Xenagos, God of Revels or Atarka, World Render can get the job done.

Vexing Shusher > Pyroblast. Pyroblast was in there partially for fun, but once I was reminded that Shusher existed, it felt perfect for the deck. If main-boarding an anti-counterspell card like this doesn't put in consistent work, I'll take it out. I mean, I have to be playing a game against an opponent who uses counterspells and ALSO draw/tutor Shusher that game, etc. We'll just have to see.

Fierce Empath is very good. In this deck it's basically just better Sarkhan's Triumph. As such, it may find it's way back in.