
Commander / EDH Andramalech


Mainboard Roster Update v.3 —Nov. 13, 2023

A lot happened with this update, so I'll do my best to detail each change and the general playstyle shift that is occurring.

The Core Shift

  • the deck will now pilot on the core fundamental that we're playing Aggro, and then Midrange concepts. Below I'll detail cast-favorite cards that left the decklist and why.

  • I have a new set of rules for the list:

  • Rule : All spells will have mana value total or less, see exceptions by instance.

  • Rule : All spells will maintain colored symbols (i.e.; ) maximum, see exceptions by instance.

  • Rule : 'Selfish' cards or 'Fundamentally Worse' cards will be replaced with obvious candidates.

The Cards Cut

Special Thanks

  • An ode of gratitude to NoobNoob275 for helping with the most recent draft of changes. A powerful duelist in their own right and someone who earns my respect, I'd recommend anyone check out their lists.

  • As an Alela, Artful Provocateur user, as well as a Muldrotha, the Gravetide user, they (Noob) won't see me take Seedtime out of this list.