Time Spiral

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Time Spiral


Each player shuffles his or her graveyard and hand into his or her library, then draws seven cards. You untap up to six lands.

Remove Time Spiral from the game.

plakjekaas on Would Seedborn Muse Be Blue …

8 months ago

In pioneer there's a deck making good use of Hidden Strings and Pore Over the Pages to storm off with Lotus Field mana.

The thing they used to do with Turnabout and Frantic Search, or maybe even Time Spiral or Treachery, anything to untap Tolarian Academy for insane amounts of mana.

And Twiddle of course, can't forget that one.

That's in addition to the extra turn argument I tried making in my last post.

Blue untaps a LOT of lands, more with spells than, permanents, although Fatestitcher and Vizier of Tumbling Sands aren't new cards either.

Arrzarrina on Roon Shenanigans

1 year ago

19/01/2023 changes: There have been a few rounds of changes. Removed counterspells to attempt to make the deck to make more fun to play against, sold the Mox Diamond because it's become worth a mint in the last 7 years, added more draw and refocused the deck on creature ETB based interaction instead of something like Oblivion Ring. It's a good card but I don't get the value that I could get out of a Fiend Hunter. You know where I'm going with this. I've also added more mana fixing to the land base and adjusted colours for the new balance.



MLS91 on Mind Sevrance

1 year ago

Upcoming acquires for the deck are Time Spiral most immediatly.

Time Spiral will replace Memory Deluge when card is acquired

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Queza, Wheels

1 year ago

They're a little on the pricey side, but what about Time Spiral and Memory Jar for additional wheel effects?

Snake57 on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

Hey Azja! As always thanks for getting back to me :)

Great to hear Gingerbrute is working out for you, I've definitely have good experiences with the card since adding it. I was actually considering to purchase Personal Tutor, but looks like I can spend that money somewhere else then. In regards to Consider, I actually mixed my cards up. I meant Otherworldly Gaze from the same set. which seemed pretty good to me as it also fuels the graveyard when necessary and can be cast at instant speed (twice). Not sure it beats out Ponder though? I'm unsure if I can fit both in the deck.

I've just ordered a few copies of Dauthi Voidwalker so I am looking forward to giving that card a try, do you end up using it as an enabler often? I'd assume it just sits on the board for as long as possible.

For me I'm really split on Opposition Agent, I feel like if I can get it out early it completely screws up my opponents early land plays giving them issues playing fetchlands (of which there are a good amount in the pods I play Yuriko in). Later in the game i'll likely have the mana open to flash it out as well, but it may take some time to find the right moment, it also feels like somewhat of a removal magnet as it needs to be dealt with before tutoring for a wincon for example. However it doesn't really further my own strategy directly, and is unlikely to be used as an enabler. I'm genuinely having a hard time with this one.

I've just added Street Wraith to my main deck so I'm curious to see how it performs for me, I didn't think of the interaction with Temporal Mastery, seems good! Also, I've added Abjure and it really has felt like a decent addition to the counterspell package as the downside tends to be manageable (and sometimes adds more delve-fodder)

I'll see if I can get ahold of Boon of the Wish-Giver, to me the card just seems to make sense in Yuriko. I'm currently running 32 lands with a ton of fetches and I still feel like I've been hitting lands way too often (maybe I've just been unlucky recently) But it makes me consider cutting a Land for the card as it can be cycled as well.

You are right, Scion of Draco probably isn't the right choice, Enter the Infinite is definitely an option, however I feel it may be better to raise the CMC of my deck across the board a little. I'm looking into adding more delve cards and cards that synergise with that. Maybe Murderous Cut, Otherworldly Gaze, Frantic Search, Treasure Cruise. Perhaps I could add cards that untap lands as well, a Treachery, Cloud of Faeries, Time Spiral is what I'm looking at currently.

Maybe I've just had a few - not so great games recently and I should give it more games before I rush to change things around that much.

I am very curious to see what what the new Kamigawa Set will bring, here's hoping there will be some good additions for Yuriko.

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